Preserving classical joinery technique through contemporary forms

Sun at Six specializes in solid hardwood furniture hand-constructed using traditional Chinese joinery, a method which uses intricate, interwoven joints to create furniture without the use of nails and screws.

As a natural material, wood ‘breathes’, expanding and contracting as it adjusts to changes in temperature and humidity. This posed an issue for solid wood furniture made using traditional joinery techniques. Sent to faraway destinations with climates that often differed significantly from that of the production origin, such furniture was prone to cracking, warping, or other deformations.
Over the past three decades, we’ve refined each and every joint in the system of classical Chinese joinery to accommodate extreme variations in climates worldwide.
By using this intricate joinery system, our furniture can acclimatize in real time to changes in temperature and humidity while maintaining its original form and structural integrity.

Modern techniques and materials like veneer, plywood, MDF, and nail and screw construction have made furniture accessible and available, in addition to being notable in their own right. We celebrate that in parallel to our own desire to preserve a piece of our heritage and history. We are committed to preserving and refining classical Chinese joinery techniques and introducing them to contemporary work with the aim of maintaining and featuring the art form.